DEI Committee Meeting
CPUN’s DEI Committee meets the 4th Tuesday of every odd month (January, March, May, July, etc.) at 6pm via Zoom.
CPUN’s DEI Committee meets the 4th Tuesday of every odd month (January, March, May, July, etc.) at 6pm via Zoom.
The CPUN Board of Directors meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 6:30 to 8:30 pm, meetings are hybrid held in person at The MCA Cube or online by Zoom.
CPUN’s Safe Streets Committee advocates for walking, biking, and rolling safely throughout the neighborhood. We typically hold our meetings the first Tuesday of every other month at 3pm online.
CPUN's Education Committee typically holds its meetings the second Tuesday of every month at 5 PM online. Join the Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 939 9996 6528 Passcode: 062983 Topic: CPUN Education Committee Time: April [...]
Please join the Education Committee Meeting on Zoom here:
Join us for CPUN's annual forum at our May meeting! We'll hear from a range of community stakeholders and vote on the 2024 slate for the CPUN board.
Join us for CPUN's June community meeting!
Please join the committee meeting on Zoom.
Donate your extra food for those in need. CPUN and CPBA will be collecting both fresh produce from your yard or garden and non-perishable food. We can also collect fruit straight from any trees you [...]
Our October monthly meeting will be a joint meeting with our neighboring RNOs, the East Colfax Neighborhood Association, the Northeast Park Hill Coalition, and Montbello 2020. It will be held on Tuesday, October 15, from [...]
CPUN’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee strives to Inform, educate, and engage with residents of the Central Park community around equity and diversity issues affecting every community member. The DEI Committee meets on the 4th Tuesday of every odd-numbered month (January, March, May, July, etc.) at 6pm via Zoom.
WEATHER UPDATE: Due to the Arctic weather forecast for Monday, the Marade program is shifting half an hour later, and the organizers have set up warming stations along the route. Children, older adults, and those [...]